About Me
- I am Mohammed Daoudi AKA iduoad
- I am a DevOps engineer
- I am a GitLab Hero
- weCanTalkAbout([🐧, 🐳, 🦊, …])
- More about me here !
- Work in progess
- Subjective
- Interactive
- Good news: I am working on a DevOps Course 🎉🎉
- Good English (or not)
- Programming
- Problem Solving
- Googling
Learn Operating Systems (especially Linux)
- Best way to learn Linux is to use Linux
- At first you only need to know you way in and out.
- Get a bit of administration skills.
- Always learn by doing (TASK based learning).
Learn about Git
- Git 101: Working from home
- git init
- git add
- git commit
- git log/show
- Git 102: Working remote
Script as much as you can
- RegEx 101
- Unix Filters (Grep, cut, sed, awk …)
- Shells
- Shell scripts
Learn Networking
- OSI and TCP/IP
- Dive into protocols (IP, TCP, HTTP, TLS …)
- Wireshark things
- Linux network stack (iproute2)
Learn Storage
- Get some Storage theory
- OS level: Linux storage stack (file systems, volume management …)
- Software defined storage (Network storage).
Learn Compute
- Get you feet wet with VirtualBox or virt-manager
- Try vagrant (if you want to)
- Go deeper with KVM, Xen or VMware ESXi.
- Virtual compute, storage, networking…
Learn Security
- Learn about firewalls.
- Web security (OWASP top 10)
- Participate in CTFs
Container 101
- Install docker or podman and have fun with it.
- Create your own dockerfiles
- Learn docker compose
- Learn OCI
Containers 102
- Learn Kubernetes
- Install Kubernetes
- CKAD and/or CKA
- Pick a project!
- Pick a tool!
- Create a CI/CD pipeline for the project using the tool.
Cloud Computing
- Cloud is most underrated (and overrated) tool we have today.
- Two steps
- Define your needs
- Choose your stack
- Automate using IAC (Terraform, Pulumi, CDKs …)
- Road to Architecture.
More things
- Software engineering
- Acceptance tests
- Monitoting and Logging (Observability)
- Break things and try to fix them.
- Patience is key.
- Document you journey.
- Delegate work.
- Delegate learning.
- Adopt Security from the beginning.
- Everything as code.
Thank you
Let’s be friends! 🤗
DevOps in 21 Days!