GitLab Hero in the MENA region.
Minamilist, Solo traveler, Nature Lover …weCanTalkAbout([🐧, 🐳, 🦊, 🌲 …])More about me here !What is Gitlab ?
- Gitlab is a code hosting platform.
- Gitlab is a devops platform.
Gitlab Open *
- Gitlab Open Community (community heros, meetups …)
- Gitlab is developed by Gitlab in Gitlab
Gitlab Walkthrough
2 mins for concepts!
Let’s make faster Gitlab CI/CD pipelines
Build once and for all (DRY)
Cache as much as you can !
Use cache policies, always !
Cache more things with multiple caches
Pay Attention !! Tradeoffs !!
Anchors for one last refactor !!
A lot more!
- Flow control
- DAG pipelines
- Interruptible jobs
- Self-hosted runners
- Design your pipeline well
- Better Dockerfiles
- …
Thank you
Let’s be friends! 🤗